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Image of Burberry Her Eau de Toilette 50ml

Burberry Her Eau de Toilette 50ml

Capturing the essence of the unapologetically free-spirited woman who simply goes with the flow, Burberry Her Eau de Toilette is a fragrance for she who knocks down restraints and embraces spontaneity with open arms.Breezy and light-hearted with unconventional surprises, the fragrance unshackles notes of green pear electrified with daring hints of pepper. Melting to a floral heart, the trail deepens to the warm earthiness of musk and cedarwood as it dries down. The EDT is bottled in luminous green glass to echo its starring note of ripe, freshly-picked garden pears.Made in Spain.
Confronta prezzi su ed acquista al miglior prezzo : Burberry Her Eau de Toilette 50ml
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Categoria negoziante: Fragrance

Prezzo: 73,45 Euro
a partire da Lookfantastic

Brand : Burberry

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